Meet an innoFaither: Yasmine Tujjar

Meet Yasmine Tujjar, university student, art lover, and interfaith changemaker. Growing up in a Syrian family in the US, practicing Islam but also attending a Christian school, she developed a passion for decreasing polarization among religious communities. Yasmine, who goes between her home in Maryland and her university in Montreal, Canada, is also an innoFaith Contributing Editor.

What faith(s), if any, do you practice? How does your tradition and/or spiritual practice inspire or influence you as an innovator?

I am a practicing Muslim and can happily say that my faith has profoundly shaped my life and worldview. Islam has instilled in me a deep commitment to using my abilities to enact positive change in the world. Its core values of compassion, justice, and community serve as my guiding principles in innovation. Whether through art, law, or interfaith dialogue, I strive to innovate with empathy and responsibility, aiming to contribute to a more just and equitable society.

What are you currently working on?

Currently, I am focused on completing my degree and preparing to apply to law school. My goal is to leverage my education to advocate for human rights and contribute to international legal frameworks that protect vulnerable populations.

What can we find you doing when you’re not working?

When I'm not studying or preparing for my future career, I find joy in painting and other creative outlets. Having worked in art galleries and helped organize a pop-up charity gallery, I've experienced firsthand how art can spark important conversations and drive social change.

What is piquing your curiosity these days?

I am deeply interested in interfaith community building, a passion that stems from my upbringing among diverse religious communities. Through this experience, I've come to appreciate that beyond narratives of division, there are clear similarities in our values. I'm intrigued by how we can bridge these divides and work together towards common goals of compassion, understanding, and social justice.

What is something you’d like help on?

I'm exploring effective strategies for promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation. I'm eager to learn from others' experiences and insights on how to foster meaningful connections across religious boundaries. 

What is something you can offer others in the innoFaith network?

I bring a unique perspective shaped by my multicultural upbringing and experiences in both the art world and legal studies. I offer insights into navigating cultural and religious diversity, as well as a commitment to promoting dialogue and collaboration among different faith communities. I am always open to conversation that works to promote understanding and community building. 

Meet an innoFaither is our series to introduce the inspiring optimists in the innoFaith world and what they’re working on and thinking about. We hope it helps you find and engage with each other across the network to advance faith-rooted social innovation and interfaith collaboration for social impact. Or just meet some cool people. Find the full series at