Meet an innoFaither: Chelsea Spyres
Meet Chelsea Spyres, Pastor and Executive Director of Riverfront Ministries and the associated Wilmington Kitchen Collective in Wilmington, Delaware, which she has called home for five years now since returning to her native Delaware. Although Riverfront Ministries has a unique model without a physical church of its own, when a local organization wanted to start an incubator for small culinary businesses, Chelsea saw an opportunity. Realizing that industrial kitchens in traditional churches sit empty most of the time, Chelsea and partners innovated the Collective to put those kitchens, and various other supports, at the disposal of culinary entrepreneurs. Overcoming a lot of doubt and skepticism from churches about sharing space in this way, the Collective has grown into a successful model of faith communities partnering with other community organizations to use church assets to meet a need and drive economic development.