social justice

Meet an innoFaither: Victoria Strang

Meet an innoFaither: Victoria Strang

Meet Victoria Strang, who holds the first full-time position at Human Rights Watch focused on building faith partnerships. Passionate about helping secular organizations develop authentic relationships with faith communities to advance work to create a more just world, Victoria previously did faith outreach for the Humane Society and organizing for the Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty. Victoria, who lives in Rhode Island, is also an innoFaith Contributing Editor.

Meet an innoFaither: E.N. West

Meet an innoFaither: E.N. West

Meet E.N. West, Lead Organizer for the Faith Land Initiative at The Church Council of Greater Washington. An innovative community organizer, E is building bridges between communities in Seattle to help use church property assets to address community needs. In listening to churches, E and their colleagues spotted an opportunity to support white faith communities discerning what to do with congregational land by connecting them with the needs and vision of Black faith communities and other groups wrestling with issues of displacement from their communities. As a result, religious assets are now being stewarded to address the challenge of affordable housing and advance economic and racial justice.

Meet an innoFaither: Marcia Dinkins

Meet an innoFaither: Marcia Dinkins

Meet Marcia Dinkins, Founder and Executive Director of Black Women Rising and creator of the Black Appalachian Coalition. Based in Ottawa Hills, OH, Marcia is elevating Black voices to help drive positive change. In Appalachia, where Black stories are particularly invisible in the narrative of poverty in the region, Marcia is engaging the Black community to tell their stories and advocate for solutions to regional issues like air pollution and healthcare access.

Meet an innoFaither: Stephen Lewis

Meet an innoFaither: Stephen Lewis

Meet Stephen Lewis, President of the Forum for Theological Exploration, co-founder of DO GOOD X, and co-author of A Way Out of No Way: An Approach to Christian Innovation, and Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose. Stephen is a committed and thoughtful leader and developer of leaders, always thinking deeply about, and helping cultivate, the types of innovative, changemaking leadership that the challenges of our time require. We are grateful to have him as a friend and advisor to innoFaith.

Meet an innoFaither: Sandy Hong

Meet an innoFaither: Sandy Hong

Meet Sandy Hong, Assistant Director at Glean Network and Steering Committee Member of KQTx. Sandy is a wise and skilled innovator and community-builder who we’ve had the privilege to get to know through an innoFaith partnership with Glean Network.

Meet an innoFaither: Cynthia Johnson-Oliver

Meet an innoFaither: Cynthia Johnson-Oliver

Meet Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver, preacher, poet, and public servant. Cynthia is founder of the FaithJustice Foundation, as well as the Bishop Joseph Johnson History Project, which she created to tell the story of her grandfather, the first African American to graduate from Vanderbilt University, and his role in civil rights history. Cynthia carries on her grandfather’s legacy not just by sharing his story but through her deep dedication to social justice in our time.

Insights for Change: Creative courage to build for an envisioned future

Insights for Change: Creative courage to build for an envisioned future

On a recent call, a friend of mine in Poland shared his take that the innovation of the underground Solidarity movement in 1980s Poland was that it basically ignored the tanks on the streets that threatened political repression. While the tanks rolled, the people went about building their own underground civil society, which then became the foundation for democratization. Surely they couldn’t actually ignore the threat, and Solidarity continued to organize protests against the government even after they went underground. But I think he meant that they did not let the tanks steal their focus. They didn't just act against something, they built something new. Underground, they built the structures for a democratic society.

Meet an innoFaither: Evan Taylor

Meet an innoFaither: Evan Taylor

Meet Evan Taylor, incoming divinity student at Wesley Theological Seminary, lay leader in youth and young adult ministry, designer, and perpetual creator and change-maker. Evan is always up to something, usually many things, to actively live out her faith in the community. We were lucky to collaborate with her as co-creator, facilitator, and design thinking teacher for our Interfaith Youth Innovators Summit earlier this year.

Meet an innoFaither: Shiri Yadlin

Meet an innoFaither: Shiri Yadlin

Meet Shiri Yadlin, Director of Just Homes, an initiative of The District Church in Washington, DC. Shiri helps faith communities figure out how they can help eliminate housing insecurity, a growing space of faith-based innovation. Don’t miss her offer below to send you a copy of their new manual on the affordable housing crisis through a biblical justice lens.

What is Social Innovation?

What is Social Innovation?

At innoFaith, one of our goals is to bridge faith communities to the social innovation ecosystem - the universe of non-profits, start-ups, education institutions, companies, government bodies, and others who are developing, studying, implementing new responses to persistent social problems. And vice versa. But for many in institutions and communities of faith, social innovation is a new term, even if not a new concept. … Both charity and advocacy approaches are essential to social change work, but what if there were a narrative that could free us from the limits of charity, on the one hand, and ideology, on the other? That is the potential of social innovation.

DC event: Putting Peace First, January 29

DC event: Putting Peace First, January 29

We’re excited to announce our first DC event, Putting Peace First: 7 Commitments to Change the World, in collaboration with Peace First, Swedenborg Center, and FaithJustice Foundation. Join us at Church of the Holy City on January 29 at 6 pm to talk about how DC faith communities can support young people to change our city. For 25 years, Peace First has been helping young people change the world. Come hear from Peace First founder Eric Dawson and DC’s own young changemaker and Peace First Fellow, Yasmine Arrington, about how young people can lead change.