inspiration, report, research Danielle Goldstone inspiration, report, research Danielle Goldstone

New horizons for faith: Mapping Spiritual Innovation report released

Over the past year, innoFaith collaborated with Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, Glean Network, Faith Matters Network, and other allies and advisors, to conduct a national field study on spiritual innovation. Thanks to the hard work of the research team at CIL, we’re pleased to announce that the initial report has just been released. With a rapidly shifting religious landscape in the U.S., we hope that this report is just the beginning of much more attention to this growing dynamic of innovation happening under the radar in the faith sector.

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Insights for Change, report, ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Insights for Change, report, ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Insights for Change: Unleashing Our Spiritual Imagination

Faith & Philanthropy, an exploratory joint grantmaking initiative that aims to shape “a philanthropic landscape that embraces the transformative potential of spirituality and faith to address the pressing challenges of our time,” recently released a Spiritual Imagination report featuring twelve grantees rooted in various spiritual traditions that are leveraging faith and spirituality for social impact.

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research, ideas, inspiration, theology, report Danielle Goldstone research, ideas, inspiration, theology, report Danielle Goldstone

Faith to confront society's biggest challenges: A report from the World Economic Forum

In January, the World Economic Forum released a report, Faith in Action: Religion and Spirituality in the Polycrisis, arguing for the relevance of religion and spirituality in a time of complex, intersecting, global social challenges. It features several examples of collaboration between business and faith-based organizations to address some of these challenges, as well as important insights and lessons for faith, business, and other leaders. It is an invitation to forge more multi-sector collaborations that leverage the wisdom and assets of faith to drive impact at scale.

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