New horizons for faith: Mapping Spiritual Innovation report released
Over the past year, innoFaith collaborated with Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, Glean Network, Faith Matters Network, and other allies and advisors, to conduct a national field study on spiritual innovation. Thanks to the hard work of the research team at CIL, we’re pleased to announce that the initial report has just been released. With a rapidly shifting religious landscape in the U.S., we hope that this report is just the beginning of much more attention to this growing dynamic of innovation happening under the radar in the faith sector.
Can Kamala Harris’s diverse faith background inspire innovation and collaboration?
If Vice President Kamala Harris wins the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, she will make history not just as the first woman, Black woman, and South Asian president but also as the person with the most religiously diverse background to ever hold the role.
Faith to confront society's biggest challenges: A report from the World Economic Forum
In January, the World Economic Forum released a report, Faith in Action: Religion and Spirituality in the Polycrisis, arguing for the relevance of religion and spirituality in a time of complex, intersecting, global social challenges. It features several examples of collaboration between business and faith-based organizations to address some of these challenges, as well as important insights and lessons for faith, business, and other leaders. It is an invitation to forge more multi-sector collaborations that leverage the wisdom and assets of faith to drive impact at scale.
Mapping Spiritual Innovation: innoFaith co-launches a national field study
innoFaith is excited to be partnering with Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, Glean Network, and other partners on a national field study on spiritual innovation for social impact.
Faith and philanthropy: Bridgespan Group report points to an untapped opportunity
A new report by the Bridgespan Group, Elevating the Role of Faith-Inspired Impact in the Social Sector, makes a case for bridging secular philanthropy and faith-inspired social impact organizations. The report addresses three myths: 1) that secularism is dominant, 2) that faith-inspired organizations represent only a minor part of the sector, and 3) that faith-inspired organizations are not innovative.
What's spirituality got to do with it? A new study offers some insights
In September, the Fetzer Institute published What Does Spirituality Mean to Us? A Study of Spirituality in the United States, a fascinating snapshot of spirituality across the country and its relationship to community and civic action. One of the most interesting takeaways from the study is that while it shows a strong correlation between spirituality and pro-social action, fewer people explicitly make a connection between the two in their own lives.