Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Gopal Patel

Meet Gopal Patel, committed environmental advocate who is elevating the relevance and power of faith to help address the world’s challenges through his new initiative FutureFaith. Gopal previously founded the Hindu environmental organization, Bhumi Global, and has been mobilizing faith communities in support of climate and environmental goals for over fifteen years. Based in the New York metropolitan area (specifically, New Jersey), Gopal formerly served as co-chair of the United Nations Multi-faith Advisory Council and has served as advisor to numerous organizations as he works to bring faith voices to policy tables around the world.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: E.N. West

Meet E.N. West, Lead Organizer for the Faith Land Initiative at The Church Council of Greater Washington. An innovative community organizer, E is building bridges between communities in Seattle to help use church property assets to address community needs. In listening to churches, E and their colleagues spotted an opportunity to support white faith communities discerning what to do with congregational land by connecting them with the needs and vision of Black faith communities and other groups wrestling with issues of displacement from their communities. As a result, religious assets are now being stewarded to address the challenge of affordable housing and advance economic and racial justice.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Allison Ralph

Meet Allison Ralph, PhD, leader and consultant on pluralism and belonging. Allison formerly helped build interfaith collaborations as Associate and Interim Director at the Aspen Institute Religion & Society program. She now applies her expertise to supporting funders and organizations to promote pluralism through her consultancy, Cohesion Strategy. Allison, who grew up among musicians in Fernandina Beach, Florida, now loves living in Washington, DC.

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event, ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone event, ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Beyond Teaching Kids to Give, Entrusting Them as Civic Actors

innoFaith recently facilitated and supported a collaboration that modeled a different approach, one in which the community recognizes, honors, and supports children as important civic contributors and teaches giving not as sacrifice or something nice to do, but as a core aspect of children's participation in their community. In this approach, instilling the values of community, compassion, and gift become less about the fortunate and less fortunate and more about understanding the varied experiences of people and the varied ways that children can and already do help. This approach also requires adults to entrust kids with real decisions about engagement in their community rather than telling them what to do.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Rayce Lamb

Meet Rayce Lamb, Founder of Faithonomics and Baptist pastor seeking to inspire wild imagination. Rayce, who is also a certified financial education instructor, is passionate about supporting faith-rooted leaders to flourish spiritually and financially while pursuing creative ideas for good. He has just launched the Doers Creative, a digital community for faith-inspired creators, and also leads the Wild Imagination Fund, which seeks to eradicate poverty in his home city of Winston-Salem, NC.

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research, ideas, inspiration, theology, report Danielle Goldstone research, ideas, inspiration, theology, report Danielle Goldstone

Faith to confront society's biggest challenges: A report from the World Economic Forum

In January, the World Economic Forum released a report, Faith in Action: Religion and Spirituality in the Polycrisis, arguing for the relevance of religion and spirituality in a time of complex, intersecting, global social challenges. It features several examples of collaboration between business and faith-based organizations to address some of these challenges, as well as important insights and lessons for faith, business, and other leaders. It is an invitation to forge more multi-sector collaborations that leverage the wisdom and assets of faith to drive impact at scale.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Marcia Dinkins

Meet Marcia Dinkins, Founder and Executive Director of Black Women Rising and creator of the Black Appalachian Coalition. Based in Ottawa Hills, OH, Marcia is elevating Black voices to help drive positive change. In Appalachia, where Black stories are particularly invisible in the narrative of poverty in the region, Marcia is engaging the Black community to tell their stories and advocate for solutions to regional issues like air pollution and healthcare access.

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book, ideas, inspiration, theology, Insights for Change Danielle Goldstone book, ideas, inspiration, theology, Insights for Change Danielle Goldstone

Insights for Change: Liberate leadership from the pyramid

Like every institution in the 21st century, religion today confronts existential questions about its future, uncertain of its place in an era where trust in institutions has eroded and traditional hierarchical organizational structures have started to flatten. The formerly reliable foundations of our religious life feel insecure–for no one more than clergy, who are largely trained to be solo, prophetic leaders of congregations. But in this uncertainty lies possibility. A new book by two religious leaders, Rev. Kathleen McShane and Rabbi Elan Babchuck, will help clergy, and all faith-rooted leaders, embrace the liberating opportunity this current moment provides. It’s time to adopt a new form of leadership, free of the burdens of pyramid-shaped empire that have shaped our past. 

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event Danielle Goldstone event Danielle Goldstone

Virtual Event, Feb. 29: How Cogenerational Innovation Can Strengthen Faith Communities and Society

In this one-hour webinar we will ask how faith communities can foster cogenerational innovation to create a better world and hear real-world examples of cogeneration in action within and across faith communities. Throughout the conversation, you'll hear from a panel of older and younger leaders and get a chance to ask questions. 

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Kerry Brodie

Meet Kerry Brodie, Founder of Emma’s Torch, a growing social enterprise that empowers refugees through culinary education. Inspired by the Holocaust survivors and immigrants in her own family, and concerned by the growing refugee crisis, Kerry set off to culinary school with the idea that food could be a tool to enable people who have experienced forced migration to thrive in their new communities. Kerry now lives in Potomac, MD, having recently expanded Emma’s Torch from NY to DC.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Ray'Chel Wilson, CFEI®

Meet Ray’Chel Wilson, CFEI®, personal finance teacher and Founder and CEO of ForOurLastNames, a financial education platform launching in February 2024 that bridges the gap in financial literacy and investment opportunities for underrepresented groups. Ray’Chel beautifully applies her values of collective liberation to the work of financial wellness, asking how building wealth can be not just about individual benefit but value for the whole community.

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Danielle Goldstone Danielle Goldstone

Encouraging the brightest light of faith: An end of year letter from innoFaith

I was taking a late afternoon stroll around my neighborhood the other day. The setting sun had already cast the houses and streets into gray shadows, but as I turned a corner, a bright rose-hued light caught my eye. A tall church steeple towering high above the gray rooftops glowed brilliantly with the pink light of the setting sun. The beauty of the scene took my breath away for a second. As I continued down the block and passed the church, I saw that it was in complete disrepair, abandoned, boarded up, a for sale sign on its expansive corner property. 

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Dustin Mailman

Meet Rev. Dustin Mailman, who is redefining what church looks like with his ministry Deep Time in Asheville, NC. Dustin created Deep Time as a faith community with and for those impacted by incarceration. Whereas many churches have a social ministry, Dustin flips the script, showing us what church as a social ministry can be. Part prison ministry, part coffee roastery, part workforce development effort, part violence prevention initiative, and more, Deep Time models a new vision of faith in action.

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ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone ideas, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

A completely solvable crisis: Faith communities and the loneliness epidemic

Earlier this year, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a report about an epidemic of loneliness and isolation in the U.S. Since Robert Putnam published his highly-acclaimed and widely-read book Bowling Alone in 2000, we've all been aware of the fraying social fabric in our country and the decline of organizations like faith communities that build social capital. The situation has now reached crisis proportions. With so many people crying out for community and connection, why are faith communities, which have fostered community and connection for centuries and millennia, failing to meet the demand?

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Umar Hakim-Dey

Meet Umar Hakim-Dey, board chair for LA Voice, a PICO California federation in the Faith in Action network  and founder of Inkerij, a social enterprise that provides advisory services for social impact organizations. Originally from, and still residing in, Compton, California, Umar is an innovative community organizer, committed bridge-builder, and deep-hearted advocate for social justice.

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Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone Meet an innoFaither, inspiration Danielle Goldstone

Meet an innoFaither: Abigale Haug

Meet Abigale Haug, who we are thrilled to introduce as innoFaith’s new Communications Manager. We are grateful to have Abbie’s passion, skill, and beautiful spirit supporting the innoFaith mission. Originally from Minnesota, Abbie just moved from Washington, DC, to Somerville, Massachusetts, where she is working on a Masters of Theological Studies at Harvard Divinity.

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Insights for Change, ideas, inspiration, book Danielle Goldstone Insights for Change, ideas, inspiration, book Danielle Goldstone

Insights for Change: Weaving networks

Houston, we have a problem. The complexity of the issues we face, both global and local, are simply too great for any one person or organization to take on alone. And yet, the systems in which we operate tend to incentivize heroic leadership, organizational competition for funding, and transaction over relationship. The good news? There's a different way if we shift our frameworks, incentives, and approaches: cultivating networks.

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